Dec 8, 2022Liked by Lorraine Candy

Sometimes I will see someone in the sea when it's rough or raining (at 6 degrees) just floating and really enjoying their time in the water. When I swim with friends, I'm usually bracing myself for the shock, quickly dog paddling or swimming breast stroke very fast to stay warm which leads to how long can I do the crawl now!? Today, I stopped and floated on my back to feel the sea. This is what I love about life and I will stop to take in these moments I've decided!

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I love this idea Lorraine. I have recently started leaving 30 mins earlier to pick up my kids from school, knowing I’ll then have 30 mins sitting in the car to read a book or listen to a podcast - and I also won’t be late....! Maybe now I’ll try just ‘thinking’ in that time. Can’t wait to read the full book review next month!

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Dec 9, 2022Liked by Lorraine Candy

This is so interesting! I wanted to comment because it resonated so much. In a wonderful mentoring session with my coach yesterday, she said when everything is going "off" and I'm spiralling - think "what should i do right now". So she regularly sits on the couch, with her dog and just thinks. It's become a game changer in her productivity and her mind is clear after a relatively short space of time.

I'll definitely be using this technique. Thank you Lorraine. Bloody love your writing and brilliant, real advice!

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Dec 8, 2022Liked by Lorraine Candy

Absolutely. It’s so easy to waste an hour on a mobile phone, yet so hard to set aside an hour just to think!

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Dec 8, 2022Liked by Lorraine Candy

Thank you for sharing this, it’s a reminder to make that time. I too find my days are better (calmer, more creative, more organised, happier, hornier!!) when I have a bit of thinking-time or reading-time, or my fave, chanting meditation. Even so I find myself over-riding that planned time because “I’m too busy”!

What I find helps is that if I feel the slightest urge towards getting on that meditation mat, just going and doing it, not listening to the voice which says “oh just send that email first…”. If I listen to that voice, another day will pass without me meditating.

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Ah Lorraine this is such a truism, but we all

Need to hear it so am grateful that you have written about it . I know when I have diarised time in my busy week to think it makes everything so much better. As a CEO it’s easy to always be doing and talking but taking time to be a human being is where the magic happens, as I take time today to set up for the big return next week I’m scheduling time into my diary... every day! Love your musings thank you so

Much for sharing this with us..

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Being still and learning to still our minds is a hard thing for me. But I find it helpful and napping.

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